Putting People First:

US Congressional Candidate Chad Hagg

Leading with Purpose

Harnessing his unwavering dedication and unwavering commitment, Chad Hagg leads with purpose. With a clear vision and passion for positive change, he fearlessly champions the needs and aspirations of the 25th District. Through collaboration, integrity, and genuine connection, Chad inspires communities to unite and forge a brighter future together. His leadership embodies the power of purpose, driving us toward a more inclusive, prosperous, and equitable tomorrow.

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A Vision for Progress

With a resolute vision for progress, Chad Hagg seeks to transform the 25th District of Texas into a thriving community where opportunities abound. Grounded in principles of equity and innovation, Chad's forward-thinking approach paves the way for a future that embraces diversity, empowers individuals, and fosters inclusive growth. Through comprehensive policies, collaborative initiatives, and a steadfast commitment to service, Chad Hagg is dedicated to leading us towards a better tomorrow.

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From Our Family To Yours

Support Chad's 2024 Campaign by Contributing Today!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

- Margaret Mead

all contributions go toward Chad Hagg's 2024 campaign for the 25th Congressional district of texas.

Values and Beliefs

Bedrock foundation in Constitutional principles. I firmly believe in the
founding fathers’ approach to limited government.

  • Divine

    The founders believed as do I, that our Rights come from God.

  • Civil Government

    The purpose of civil government is to secure those Rights.

  • Power to Govern

    The power to govern is given by the consent of the governed, each of
    whom is fully entitled to govern.

  • Right to Govern

    The Right to govern is forfeited when an elected leaders becomes a

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