
Hello friends, my name is Chad Hagg, and I am humbled and honored to be running for Congress to represent the 25th Congressional District of Texas.

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself.

First and foremost, I would like to give thanks to God and his son Jesus Christ, who is the core of my existence. My beautiful wife Michelle, who has stuck by my side through thick and thin. Thankfully, God has given her the patience to put up with me. Our four amazing children; Cassondra, Mykaela, Mychael and Ezra who provide me the strength to take on this battle. My mom Arlene, my dad Glenn, family and friends who have made me the man I am today. Without my faith, and the support of family and friends I do not know who or where I would be today.

I do not, nor will I ever claim to be anything except being imperfect in the eyes of my creator. I was born in a small town in north central Minnesota. I come from humble beginnings up there. In the early years my mom worked to provide for us, we didn’t have much but we managed. My mom met the man who
would become my dad and he took me on and adopted me. My parents taught me the values of life, hard work, fairness, and love. My family wasn't overtly religious, but I was raised a Christian. I attended Pillager school from K-12, which is a small school in an even smaller town. Everyone knew everyone in Pillager, and it was this type of environment that helped cultivate the strong morals and convictions I hold to this day. I drifted in my younger years, but as I grew older, I yearned for something bigger. It was like I wasn't just put here to pay taxes and die. I enlisted in the Minnesota National Guard in 1988 because I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. I served seven years in the National Guard as a mechanic. My Dad had taught me to troubleshoot and fix just about anything, so being a mechanic was a natural fit. I can fix, repair, engineer or do just about

I followed in my dad’s footsteps and became a truck driver, even starting my own trucking company and wading into the world of small business ownership. I was in Gary, Indiana on the morning of September 11th, 2001. I was in line at a truck wash when the direction of our world would change, and alter the course of my life forever. That was when our country was attacked, and countless innocent lives were lost in the largest terrorist attack in our nation's history. I ended up in South Perth Amboy, NJ the next day and I watched the smoke from lower Manhattan. All I could think of was “I have to do something”. I almost disconnected my trailer and drove into the city to help. It was then that I vowed to do my part to make whoever did this pay for their actions. I've have always loved my country and I am proud of what our Founding Fathers built and instituted in our Constitutional Republic.

I sold my trucking company to my dad for one dollar, and divested myself of pretty much everything I owned and reenlisted in the United States Army as a Combat Engineer. In the winter of 2004/2005, I found myself going through basic training the second time in my life. My first duty station was with the 1st Engineer Battalion at Fort Riley, Kansas. I went from being a small business owner to a 33-year-old private in the United States Army in four months! I deployed to Iraq in September of 2006 through Dec 2007 where I searched for roadside bombs during my 15-month deployment. My 2nd deployment was 9 months, also in Iraq from 2009 to 2010. I have held positions from Team Leader, Squad Leader, Drill Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant and now First Sergeant. My awards and decorations range from The Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart Medal, The Meritorious Service Medal, Combat Action Badge along with other awards and badges.

This campaign is rooted in my unwavering commitment to serving the people and creating a brighter future for generations to come.

Throughout my life, I have witnessed the challenges faced by hardworking families, the struggles of small businesses, and the gaps in our education and healthcare systems. These experiences have fueled my passion for public service from serving my country in the military, to retiring and continuing to serve the people in the halls of Congress.

My values serve as the foundation of my campaign. Integrity, character, and
accountability guide every decision I make. I believe in the power of God, his son
Jesus Christ and the values instilled in me to treat everyone equal, regardless of
color, beliefs and background. It is these values that shape the man I am today. I
have learned these values through being a small business owner and after two
decades of service in the United States Army.

This campaign is about more than just politics. It's about affording people a fair and level playing field. Fighting for a future where everyone has equal opportunities and a chance to succeed based on their individual qualifications and skills. I am deeply committed to working towards:

1. Economic Prosperity: I will champion policies that promote job growth,
support local businesses, and ensure fair wages. By investing in our
community and fostering an environment that encourages innovation and
entrepreneurship, we can create an economy that benefits all residents of the
25th District.

2. Quality Education: I believe that every child deserves access to a high-quality
education that equips them with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive.
I will advocate for school choice and innovative approaches to education to
ensure that our students receive the best opportunities for success.

3. Affordable Healthcare: Work to remove government from the healthcare
industry. Competition in the free market can drive down costs more
affectively than government intervention ever will. Ensuring that patients
have total control over their healthcare options and upfront open information
before they make a decision for their healthcare needs. I will fight to expand
healthcare options, lower prescription drug costs, and ensure that everyone
can receive the care they need without financial hardship.

4. Environmental Stewardship: Protecting our environment and safeguarding the
planet for our children are extremely important to me. I will work towards
sustainable practices, support renewable energy initiatives, but also realizing
that our country needs to be independent and self-sustaining. Our
dependance upon foreign countries for our energy needs leaves us exposed
on the world stage. I will advocate for policies that preserve and maximize
our natural resources for future generations.

I invite you to join me on this journey. Together, we can bring about the
restoration of our Constitution and the values our Founding Fathers had when
they designed the greatest document to protect individuals’ rights that are
bestowed by our creator. Explore the rest of the website to learn more about
my policy positions, upcoming events, and how you can get involved.
Together, let's return our way of government back to the People and for all
residents of the 25th Congressional District in the Great State of Texas.

Thank you for your support.
