
Biblical worldview and Republicism government

Biblical worldview and Republicism government

Benjamin Rush stated, "If we were to remove the Bible from public schools we would be wasting so much time punishing crimes and taking so little pains to prevent them"....

Biblical worldview and Republicism government

Benjamin Rush stated, "If we were to remove the Bible from public schools we would be wasting so much time punishing crimes and taking so little pains to prevent them"....

Are we truly free....Or are we slaves with hidden shackles

Are we truly free....Or are we slaves with hidd...

So the conditions that existed to create the Declaration of Independence and the actions by our founding fathers are no less relevant today than they were at the time of...

Are we truly free....Or are we slaves with hidd...

So the conditions that existed to create the Declaration of Independence and the actions by our founding fathers are no less relevant today than they were at the time of...

A Campaign Rooted in Selflessness

A Campaign Rooted in Selflessness

Hello everyone. I wanted to give some context of who I am, what I stand for and the guiding principles I lean on. The Founding Fathers wanted a system of...

A Campaign Rooted in Selflessness

Hello everyone. I wanted to give some context of who I am, what I stand for and the guiding principles I lean on. The Founding Fathers wanted a system of...